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You can book anything you would like right here. 


Our Private Casting and Fishing Lessons are tailor-made to accommodate someone wanting to learn the basics outside the traditional classroom. These lessons assure you more one-on-one time with your instructor which will allow you to learn set-up, casting, and techniques much quicker.


Our shooting lessons will have have your earn the nick name "One-shot" in no time.  Wwe work with local sporting clays facilities to ensure you can practice the same types of target patterns and flights you will experience in the wild. 



GUIDE - single day

Only have a day?  That works.  From California's blue ribbon trout streams to the flats and rolling hills, we'll bag our limit.  If conditions are tough, we move to other locations in proximity.  Leave the planning to us.


In addition to lakes and streams, the San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound and Pacific Ocean can be your playground for single day and multi day adventures.

GUIDE - multi day adventure

Got some more time adn really want to get away?  We can make that happen.  Some of the greatest fishing and hunting adventures are to be found several days hike or ride into the wilderness.  Multiple days really lets you explore untravelled lands.   Call us today to let us plan your week long adventure.

H u n t i n g and F l y f i s h i n g  G u i d e s 

  c h a r t e r s    &    s h o p

JK's and JW's HUNT and FISH

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